Market Insights: Negative yielding global debt

We recently came across a chart that was truly shocking to look at.  The growing debt concerns globally is a well-covered topic, however, what is amazing about this chart is how much of that debt has a negative yield.  The length to which central.......

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Wealth Strategies: BEWARE - Tax record retention rules

It’s tax time again, and some of us may be thinking that we can therefore discard a prior year’s tax records that we no longer need to retain. You likely recall being told at some point that we need to hold onto tax records for six years in the event...

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Market Insights: What a comeback!

To start the year, we have seen both the S&P 500 and the S&P/TSX Composite decline by more than 10%.  In fact, by many measures, this has been the worst start on record for the U.S. stock market....

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Retiring Abroad: Client Spotlight series

The Client Spotlight series within our Retiring Abroad posts continue.  These are responses from our very own clients who are retired and living in Canada and around the World.  We have asked them to comment on the same five topics: climate, sports.....

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