Milestone Elements™: Master's College 1st Annual Student Film Festival fundraiser - Follow-up

Milestone Wealth Management Ltd. - Aug 31, 2016

Success, success, success!  A few months ago, we announced that Milestone had partnered with Master’s Academy & College to produce a student film festival. 

Master’s College 1st Annual Student Film Festival fundraiser – Follow up

Success, success, success!  A few months ago, we announced that Milestone had partnered with Master’s Academy & College to produce a student film festival.  There were two primary goals for this event.  The first was to showcase the filmmaking creativity of Master’s students to a broader audience.  The second was to raise funds for several of the school programs, such as the robotics, music, and drama departments.  In these regards, the evening was a great success!  The film fest, held at the Globe Theater, was filled nearly to capacity and, when all was tallied up, became the second biggest fund raiser of the school year.  The event was also great fun, culminating with the audience voting for their favourite films in real-time, using their smartphones.  Those students whose films placed well in the voting won cash, trophies, and (of course), bragging rights.

Following this great event, members of the Milestone team met with key individuals at Master’s College, in order to gauge the level of interest of putting together a second annual film fest.  We found that there was a strong interest in this on both sides, and so we have committed to a date in February of 2017.  As the event draws nearer, we look forward to writing to you with more details on the 2nd Annual Master’s College Student Film Festival, should you wish to attend.  Please stay tuned…